Our newest features for the 2024 season are now live, including some awesome player achievements called badges. Badges can be earned on any and all quiz content!
- You can find your badges by visiting your user page, or any other player's badges by visiting their profile.
- Badges have been retroactively awarded for all past quizzes and BPCS seasons. There may be some minor inconsistencies due to differences in format (namely the 2020 BPCS), but we did our best to award past achievements!
- Future badges will be are awarded when quizzes are graded, and you can see the badges you've earned on each quiz below that quiz's leaderboard (even past quizzes).
- Clicking on a badge in your profile will bring you to that badge's leaderboard, which is updated daily. This is a site-wide ranking of users with that badge.
- There are 28 badge types active at the moment, but we're always looking for ways to award other specific achievements. If you have a good idea for a badge, make sure to drop us a suggestion on our Facebook group.
The 2024 BPCS Season
- All active BPCS players have been re-zoned (and in some cases re-columned) for the 2024 season. We were careful to have players competing against new players this year - make sure to check your current zone and column on the BPCS Dashboard.
- This season, likely in March, we'll be introducing a new column to separate "crowned" split champions into their own division. We're still discussing specifics of this column internally and we'll have more information in a month or two.
- We're expecting a higher-than-average influx of players in the next few months, and may add an additional bottom-rank column for these new players. We'll keep you posted on the dashboard if this happens.
Thank you for playing BPtrivia in 2023, we're excited for a new season with new features and quizzes! Have fun!