Qualification for the next BPtrivia Live Tournament has begun! Play each week to add to your Monthly Total in order to qualify. You can find details about the Tournament here.

See all of our qualifying teams here. If you think your team has qualified and you don't see your name on the list, please let us know!

And be sure to come back each week for a great game of trivia and some awesome Weekly Prizes!

Monthly Standings

Team Name 4-Feb 18-Feb 25-Feb Total
1 Sasquatch's Leaked Nudes 147 136 283
2 Honky Tonk 139 130 269
3 Beauty School Dropouts 122 101 223
4 Fanteesmo! 104 99 203
5 Trivia Titans 107 89 196
6 The Unusual Suspects 127 33 160
7 Dirty Rice 145 145
8 Detox Mansion 141 141
9 Back In The Saddle 138 138
10 Balls Out 137 137
11 The Terminators 135 135
12 Mr. Bad Example 135 135
13 Menace To Sobreity 130 130
14 Something Obscene 119 119
15 Fantastic Five 118 118
16 Crabby Dicks 103 103
17 Trisha Tuesday 86 86
18 Burrito Bandits 70 70
19 Team Roadrunner 70 70
20 Team Odo 59 59
21 I'm On Mt. Dew 28 28