Qualification for the next BPtrivia Live Tournament has begun! Play each week to add to your Monthly Total in order to qualify. You can find details about the Tournament here.

See all of our qualifying teams here. If you think your team has qualified and you don't see your name on the list, please let us know!

And be sure to come back each week for a great game of trivia and some awesome Weekly Prizes!

Monthly Standings

Team Name 4-Feb 18-Feb 25-Feb Total
1 Ed Ipus and the Mfers 148 142 290
2 Demented and Sad but Social 149 127 276
3 Comfortably Dumb 133 107 240
4 See Me After Class 118 116 234
5 Lounge Chair Lizards 140 84 224
6 Moving Forward 111 76 187
7 Team Society 86 72 158
8 Movie Night 134 134
9 Falcon Fam 121 121
10 Team Name Pending 92 92