Qualification for the next BPtrivia Live Tournament has begun! Play each week to add to your Monthly Total in order to qualify. You can find details about the Tournament here.

See all of our qualifying teams here. If you think your team has qualified and you don't see your name on the list, please let us know!

And be sure to come back each week for a great game of trivia and some awesome Weekly Prizes!

Monthly Standings

Team Name 6-Feb 13-Feb 20-Feb 27-Feb Total
1 Rosemary's Babies 131 139 124 394
2 Space Jam 137 117 133 387
3 Detour de France 97 123 116 336
4 Foxy Mama Boxing Llamas 89 137 109 335
5 Silver Scrapes 137 140 277
6 Can We Be Bears 64 81 145
7 Pillsbury Doge Boy 94 94
8 The Silver Line 91 91
9 Polycule 90 90
10 Brew England 81 81
11 West Side Mummies 79 79
12 Quizzly Bears 78 78
13 Ha Ha Ha 37 37
14 The Enthusiasts 33 33